Sealcoating Green Bay, Appleton, Oshkosh
Sealcoating adds life to your blacktop.

Sealcoating Appleton, Oshkosh, Green Bay.
Get-It-Done Asphalt Paving recommends sealcoating blacktop. It adds life. Blacktop, asphalt, hot mix or whatever you may call it, is made with oil. It is made out of sand, rock (gravel), and liquid asphalt. The sand and gravel goes into a big tumbler which is heated up. After it is heated, a liquid asphalt is squirted in. Then it is all mixed together.
Because the liquid asphalt has hardener and oil in it, it bonds the asphalt together. As soon as we lay the asphalt, it starts curing out and the asphalt gets harder. When we lay asphalt for a drive way or parking lot, it is pretty hard the day we are done, but it gets harder still. It is not yet as hard as it is going to be. That is why we can’t put the real thick sealer on right away. The blacktop has to cure first.
As soon as the asphalt is laid and it starts curing, it loses some oil. That is why brand new asphalt is real black and real shiny. Then four or five months down the road it has already changed color. The asphalt has become grayish and is no longer the same shiny black. It has lost some oil. This is why blacktop needs a seal coat.
Sealcoating protects your investment.
The seal coat does exactly what it sounds like, it seals the blacktop. Sealer locks the oils in the blacktop and protects it from UV rays which bake the oil out. Sealer keeps the asphalt new. Whenever asphalt dries by losing oil, it becomes brittle. It becomes prone to cracks. That is why you need to seal coat your blacktop.
Seal coating protects your investment. But sealcoating has to do with cosmetics also. It makes your property look a lot better. But first of all seal coating aims to protect your investment. If you spend money for your driveway or parking lot you want to make sure it is going to last as long as it possibly can.
Wait 90 days to apply sealer.
For applying the real thick sealer like the asphalt emulsion or coal tar you have to give the blacktop at least 90 days on most applications. Most jobs for which we put on the real thick sealer; when we pave this summer, we will wait till next spring or summer to put on the sealer. Typically we wait 8 months up to a year and let it go through a whole season.
Sealcoat every three to five years.
Every job is different. Some people use a snow blower, some plow their driveway. Some people who plow have skids that keep it low off the driveway and some let the plow slam down on the driveway. Some people have a lot of traffic in and out. All these things play a big role on how long a sealer lasts. But with a good sealer, the thick stuff that we use, we recommend a seal coat every three to five years.
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